Wave Yoga Therapy

A 1-2-1 trauma informed practice where a safe and supported space is provided to heal and offer comfort, as we journey together through yoga, movement and other holistic therapies without any expectations.

Support Made For You

Trauma-informed practice is built upon the foundation of creating a safe and supported space where individuals can find solace, healing, and comfort through yoga and movement. This approach recognises the potential impact of trauma on individuals' physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It aims to foster an environment that is sensitive, compassionate, and empowering, allowing participants to engage in their practice without any expectations or pressure.


My goal is to create a space where individuals feel seen, heard, and validated. It provides an opportunity for healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. By letting go of expectations, individuals can embrace their own unique journey, finding comfort, resilience, and a renewed sense of well-being through the transformative power of yoga and movement

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Trauma Release

Discover a revolutionary method for releasing tension and trauma that has shown remarkable effectiveness in treating conditions such as PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and stress. This unique body therapy is designed to guide you towards freedom and release through the powerful act of shaking.

By tapping into the innate wisdom of the body and engaging in intentional shaking movements, you learn how to unlock and release stored tension, trauma, and emotional stress that may be held within your body.

Through this revolutionary approach, you can discover a pathway to emotional and physical freedom. By embracing the power of shaking, you can release the burdens of tension, trauma, and stress that may have been holding you back, allowing for a profound transformation and a renewed sense of well-being.

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Trauma Informed Yoga

Embark on a transformative journey with trauma-informed yoga - a specialised branch of yoga designed to support recovery from the profound impact of stress and anxiety on the body, brain, emotions, and sense of self.

This practice places a strong emphasis on creating a safe and nurturing environment, cultivating skills to manage difficult emotions, and addressing patterns associated with restlessness, stress and worries.

Trauma-informed yoga serves as a powerful tool for healing, recovery, and growth after periods of stress, anxiety & feeling overwhelmed. It offers a nurturing and comprehensive approach to and through this practice, individuals can cultivate resilience, enhance their well-being, and rediscover a renewed sense of wholeness.

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Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, is a powerful mind-body method that involves gently tapping on specific acupuncture points while focusing on an issue that is causing emotional discomfort.

This form of therapy has been shown to effectively reduce stress and anxiety, enhance focus and concentration, provide increased clarity, and help resolve fears.

By engaging in EFT tapping, individuals can experience emotional freedom, improved well-being, and a greater sense of inner harmony.

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Other Yoga Therapies I offer include:

Breath Work and Mantras

Breath work and mantras support your overall well-being, emotional balance and deepen your connection to your inner self.

Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are a wonderful way to embark on a journey of relaxation, self-discovery, and inner peace.

Yoga Nidra

Experience deep relaxation and a heightened state of self-awareness, whilst releasing tensions and emotions.

Inner Child Healing

A transformative process that involves nurturing and addressing the emotional wounds and needs of our past selves.


Writing down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences, is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Somatic & Embodied Movement

Consciously connect and express yourself through the body, allowing for a deeper integration of physical sensations.

Yoga Sequences & Postures

A series of intentional movements and positions that combine breath, strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.

Kundalini Yoga

Combine physical postures, breathwork, meditation, and chanting to awaken the dormant spiritual energy (kundalini) within.

Cold Water Therapy

Immersing yourself in cold water to improve circulation, increase alertness, and enhance mental resilience.

I offer a range of plans to suit your needs and requirements - Please contact me if you need to talk about what would work best for you.



To discuss your needs and the practices that will work best for you, I offer a free consultation. Contact me to book your consultation at a  time that works for you

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Individual Sessions

£50 / 90 minute session

Includes 1 x 90 minute session of your chosen practice, next steps planning and consultation - Contact me to book your session and consultation at a time that works for you

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Therapy Program

£200 / 5 x 90 minute sessions

Includes 5 x 90 minute session of your chosen practices, next steps planning and consultation - Contact me to book your sessions and consultation at a time that works for you

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Are you looking to release anxiety?

I am committed to making sure you get the help that is best suited to your personal requirements - get in touch for a chat about what would work best for you

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